A továbblépés után a bejegyzés angolul folytatódik. Gyengébb idegzetűek NE folytassák a bejegyzés olvasását. Tizenkét éven aluli olvasók számára nagykorú, vagy angoltanár felügyelete mellett ajánlott…
Just now, by an immediate decision, I was tidied my two, 64 space CD rack (like a book). That’s funny: when I bought, it was fully empty, but now, it’s full. Moreover, I put in some CD in cover [ilyen boríték-szerű, fóliás CD-tartó] too.
Tomorrow, after the school, I’m going to my second driving lesson. And after that, I’m going to the optics, to choose a cool glasses for me. If you think, I’m happy, you fail. After 18 years without glasses, it’s very interesting (and a bit disgusting) for me.
I’m waiting for a long time, before I press “Nyomógomb”, and publish this post. Because I know: my English is poor, but I think, it’s a good practice… or isn’t it?
If you want to leave your comment in English, just go for it!
2006. október 26. — 21:27:37
No offense, but I think you’d better stick to Hungarian for the time being 🙂 Or at least take notice of the fact that English people use commas in sentences completely differently – in general, they don’t use commas at many places where Hungarians usually do.
2006. október 26. — 21:28:08
Egyébként eredetileg hosszabb volt a kommentem, csak spamnek tekintette a blogmotorod, pedig nem is volt benne, hogy V1agra 🙂
2006. október 26. — 21:31:56
after the school -> after school
choose a cool glasses – the word “glasses” is in plural 🙂
I was tidied -> what does it mean? 😀
2006. október 26. — 21:39:59
You should use “I’ve tidied” instead of “I was tidied” in your first paragraph, because the first one you used means, you have been cleaned in the past. I’m sharing Tamás’ opinion about choosing your blog’s language, you better use Hungarian! 🙂
2006. október 26. — 21:40:47
I was tidied: ez kb rendet raktam akar lenni? Akkor I tidied, bár nem vagyok biztos hogy ezt így kell ragozni 🙂
To say some English in my comment: you should practise more, and you’ll be fine. Watchng movies, TV series in English, possibly with subtitles (not Hungarian!), reading some linux manuals should be enough.
2006. október 26. — 21:41:50
[re=19360]suexID[/re]: did you mean you’d better use Hungarian? 🙂
2006. október 26. — 21:49:12
jaja, azt akartam írni, fáradt vagyok. bocs.
2006. október 26. — 23:00:38
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship 🙂 .
2006. október 27. — 11:42:30
You should use more commas, cause you’re writing in English, not in Hungarian. Believe me, it’s better than starting a new sentence after every single thought. And… be careful with the dictionaries, there are some expressions what you’re using in a wrong context. Remember, hungarian is your motherlanguage, but it doesn’t mean that you have to translate everything loanly. 🙂
2006. október 27. — 14:20:47
The word “loanly” is completely unknown even for the Merriam-Webster online dictionary 🙂 See: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/loanly
2006. október 27. — 15:02:48
it’s a matter of practice. it’ll surely get better, as you practice writing more in english.
btw, getting glasses at this age is more than unusual – those who get glasses usually do so when they are really young or really old, not at 18…
i don’t have too much such “racks”… i have two 100-piles and a shoebox full of cds and a 20-piece container for my music collection, that’s all… (leaving out those discs lying randomly around in my room)
2006. október 27. — 16:21:43
[re=19355]Tamás[/re]: okay, thx, understand. 🙂
[re=19356]Tamás[/re]: bocs, nem tudom mi lehetett benne, hamarosan lesz majd lista a spamszavakról. 🙂
[re=19359]Bodi[/re]: I’ve tidied lesz az, és azt jelenti, hogy rendberaktam. 🙂
[re=19360]suexID[/re]: thx, I’ll change it. My blog language is Hungarian, but some english post isn’t so bad, no?
[re=19361]Maerlyn[/re]: TV series and books is in plan. 🙂
[re=19371]l3v3e[/re]: Thx. Anyway I didn’t use any dictionaries.
[re=19373]Vale[/re]: and, how many CDs from Iron Maiden, in that music collection? 🙂
2006. október 27. — 16:59:43
[quote]isn’t so bad, no?[/quote]
ez annyira magyaros 🙂
angolul úgy kellene, hogy [i]isn’t so bad, is it?[/i]
És [i]books [b]are[/b] in plan[/i].
2006. október 27. — 18:26:01
[re=19376]Mefi[/re]: only one =(
2006. október 27. — 23:00:40
[re=19376]Mefi[/re]: “My blog language is Hungarian, but some english post isn’t so bad, no? ” – ezt olvasd át mégegyszer 🙂 some english posts, ez többesszám 🙂
Nem kötözködésnek szánom, csak te is mondod, hogy nem árt a gyakorlás
2006. október 28. — 08:54:00
Tamás, pár sör az átka 🙂 egyébként a kifejezés loan translation (tükörfordítás, ha gondold nézz utána), de utólag én is rájöttem hogy nem elváló és nem így van a usage, de bekaphatja mindenki 😀
2006. október 28. — 08:54:35
igen, kicist korán kezdtük 🙂
2006. október 29. — 23:10:13
Look, you have to learn a lot more… 🙂 though this post is fair enough for us, I think.